A Book to trust #27 Also words from ordinary and foolish men

Not many believers may considered wise or powerful according to human standards, or may not being 'well born' or from "blue blood". In the Scriptures may be found many words also from foolish men. Many wrong actions of men are notated in the bible so that people can learn from them. Those foolish things of the world God chose in order that He might put to shame the wise, and the weak things of the world God chose in order that He might put to shame the strong, and the insignificant of the world.

A Book to trust #15 Writings to show The God #2 Importance of Being

The Bible show us The Being Who makes us able to be a being. The collection of 66 books focus on That Most High Being without Whom no being or existence is possible. The Words of God are there to mould or form each creature of God. By allowing that Word of God to form us we can become reconstituted or 'made anew' by the Former God.