Making the time ready for Jesus to return

The disciples expected that Christ would "come" as King, with a royal presence, and to remove the Romans and thrown down the corrupt temple, all at the same time and soon! It was a disappointment for them it turned not out that way, but they came to understand we could have an even much better future because of what Jesus had done. Though they also became convinced of the necessity to be prepared for the time that Jesus would return and that each believer could add by his effort of preaching, to bring the time closer.

From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name

Always there have been real followers of Jesus who only worshipped his One God, the God of Israel. Many centuries they worked and preached behind closed doors, avoiding persecution and death on the balefire. In fear of the stake for centuries the real followers of God baptised people in their faith, not demanding to be part of one or another church but being part of the Body of Christ.