The Most Appropriate teacher and Scoffers in our contemporary age

2000 years ago Jesus spoke about such teachers who think they are the only ones who can explain the Bible. Today people should be aware that it is the Scriptures itself that can explain everything and that it is Jeshua, Jesus Christ, whom we should follow as the most perfect teacher.

A Book to trust #29 God His Book, God-breathed profitable for doctrine, for reproof and for correction

In this godless world we all should remember that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word going forth through the mouth of God Which He has provided for the whole world in many Bible translations. Nobody may forget that in whatever language the Bible is inspired by God and as such protected by God's Power so that it can be useful for every person on earth for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, in such a way that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.

A Book to trust #28 A Collection of words showing and teaching us about the beginnings to the end

We have 66 books that have been collected which bring us words from many ordinary people, but also from special people chosen by God, prophets and Words of God Himself, who bring us the beginning and the end of the world. In the infallible Word of God, the Bible we also find the announcing formerly of several but also about the last things still to come, before their taking place, and are completed. Being able to see how in the past those prophesies came true we should come to see how all the counsel of God will stand, and all as much as He has planned He did and will do also for the future. The bible is the Book which offers the best doctrine and is the best source for getting the best instruction and for getting understanding and wisdom.

A Book to trust #27 Also words from ordinary and foolish men

Not many believers may considered wise or powerful according to human standards, or may not being 'well born' or from "blue blood". In the Scriptures may be found many words also from foolish men. Many wrong actions of men are notated in the bible so that people can learn from them. Those foolish things of the world God chose in order that He might put to shame the wise, and the weak things of the world God chose in order that He might put to shame the strong, and the insignificant of the world.

A Book to trust #24 Sopherim, calligraphers and a message of love and hope

Narrations and stories about men, women and peoples are delivered to mankind to bring a message of love and hope and we can see that by the centuries that passed, not much is changed to the words of those written documents or books and copied by many scribes who were serious about bringing over the right words. As the system announced in the Scriptures rests exclusively on the ground of being from Divine revelation, one might suppose that the deists and sceptics together with their coadjutors the rationalists, in thus rejecting the absolute foundation of Scripture revelation, need not give themselves any further trouble of "criticizing them." The credibility of the declarations of the prophets, Jesus and his disciples is greatly corroborated and rendered in a high degree probable. It will appear unwarrantable to charge men so far surpassing the best and most learned teachers of their age, with such a degree of enthusiasm or villainy, as must be ascribed to them, if their pretensions to a divine influence were either a delusion or in imposture.