Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #3

In mankind's history there can be found natural theology which is generally characterized as the attempt to establish religious truths by rational argument and without reliance upon alleged revelations. Newt to it we may find lots of name-Christians trying to proof God exist but for them Jesus being God, others can see that their idea of God being Eternal, Immaterial, Transcending space, The Creator and Designer of the universe, Omnipotent, Omniscient, The unique greatest possible Being, does not fit at all their Jesus-god. Many people putting 2 and 2 together decide then wrongly because those qualities not fitting Jesus, he is not being able to be God but then there than also not being a Supreme God.

A Book to trust #13 Books for education and adjustment

In today's era in which archaeology is proving to be one of the Bible's best supporting witnesses, we can see that less people are being interested in historical facts and figures and even less interested in the bible and its figures. The work done to get the bible to as many cultures as possible is magnificent and bible translations throughout the ages have proven to be very close to older manuscripts which are even found many years after the edition of such Bible translation. throughout all the years God took care that His True Word came to the people all the time.

A Book to trust #4 Cause of Being and Truth

Being conscious that nothing can be the cause of itself we have to look for That What is responsible to have the beginning of something and What gives life into it. Not finding anything which could create itself from nothing we should come to see Who is behind the beginning of everything. Ultimately we should conclude that there has to be a prime Beginning, or Something or Some One Who Causes, and that Causer we call the Creator is God.