Cart ministry is back

Rob Mac wonders when the door to door will return? He wrote this a while back, and went sharing it again. Many Jehovah's Witnesses hate the door to door ministry, although they won't readily admit it. Many Jehovah's Witnesses have developed 'creative' ways of counting their time doing this work, and many strategies for avoiding actually … Continue reading Cart ministry is back

It is being claimed that the religious group now known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses was started by Charles Taze Russell

There are lots of people who think the Jehovah’s Witnesses were founded by Charles Taze Russell, but that is not true. It is a pity that the religious organisation of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society states that it would be founded by that preacher who was at the roots of the American branch of … Continue reading It is being claimed that the religious group now known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses was started by Charles Taze Russell

Making the time ready for Jesus to return

The disciples expected that Christ would "come" as King, with a royal presence, and to remove the Romans and thrown down the corrupt temple, all at the same time and soon! It was a disappointment for them it turned not out that way, but they came to understand we could have an even much better future because of what Jesus had done. Though they also became convinced of the necessity to be prepared for the time that Jesus would return and that each believer could add by his effort of preaching, to bring the time closer.

From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name

Always there have been real followers of Jesus who only worshipped his One God, the God of Israel. Many centuries they worked and preached behind closed doors, avoiding persecution and death on the balefire. In fear of the stake for centuries the real followers of God baptised people in their faith, not demanding to be part of one or another church but being part of the Body of Christ.

Those willing to tarnish

In the history of Christendom we see many churches which started of as so called cults or so called heretic movements, though many years later they sometimes outgrew their original group and/or became one of the many main churches. Therefore one should be very careful by damning a group or calling ti a cult or sect, when there is not really anything what qualifies it to become called a sect or cult.

Are the Christadelphians a Cult?

Lots of times Christadelphians are called a cult group, but they are a religious group where no specific human being is venerated and no human beings worshipped like in other religious Christian groups which are not called cults, like the Catholic Church where people pray to 'saints' and worship in front of statues.

Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #4

We should not be afraid to do research outside of the Bible. There are still many other things to be found, by doing so, that Jehovah’s people have yet to learn. To stop researching our Faith would be a big mistake. If we have “The Truth” than there is nothing to fear from such investigations. The trinitarians who say there is only one Bible the right one are giving several reasons for atheists and people against God to have enough proof to show them they are wrong also in their belief of God, because their sayings or words even do not match the bible words or ancient manuscript words and as such those people give a proof there would not exist a God.

Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #2

There are people who want us to believe god had to purify Himself but that we ourself do not have to do any works any more or can do whatever we want because God brought salvation to us by His death, though God can not die. By such misleading teaching those 'preachers' are fooling not only themselves but are taking the opportunity away for others to find the Real God of gods and the entrance to the Kingdom of God.

Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #1

Long before we started this website we encountered several so called Christian websites which tried to explain that there is a God Who exist and created everything. To proof there is that God they used mostly proofs of the existence of Christ Jesus. Some even went so far going to say that Jesus had to … Continue reading Trinitarians making their proof for existence of God look ridiculous #1

Possible arguments and proofs about the existence of God #2

The secular faithful believe that multiple wills shape our reality, but this time it’s not the wills of various gods. It’s the wills of various individuals, based on what they want, what they think is morally desirable, or whatever seems compassionate at the moment in a specific case. They make universal law based on idiosyncratic circumstance. Throughout history we find lots of great minds who throughout their life did everything to get people way from God trying to let them believe that god did not exist, but they themselves got a funeral in one of the main churches from Christendom, as to say to the world "you may now not believe any more in god, but I shall try to get an other life by letting myself buried the Christian way."