Uncovering wrong sayings and unbiblical teachings

What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? In Christendom there are lots of denominations but oh such a few, keep really to the biblical teachings. A lot of churches claim they are the only right church. In case they would follow all the teachings of Christ Jesus, … Continue reading Uncovering wrong sayings and unbiblical teachings

How adversaries of God twist the word of the Bible and want to tell about heir Jesus

When we scroll onto the net about Jesus and God we often encounter lots of name-Christians who use verses to reply to others with questions about the divinity of Jesus which not at all say that Jesus is God, but they either do not understand what those verses are saying. Or they deliberately bring a … Continue reading How adversaries of God twist the word of the Bible and want to tell about heir Jesus

Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #8 Some more attributes of God

When we look in the Bible at the infallible Words of God, Who does not tell lies, we can find that the God of Christ Who should be also our God, is One Singular Spirit Being Who is greater than Jesus and any other human being, also having lots of attributes which surpass those of man.

Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #4 The Great One All-powerful Who has and gives wisdom

Let us take further note of the many bible verses which can give us a clearer view of the personality of our all-powerful, all-knowing Divine Creator, the Only One True God, Jehovah. first of all we should know He is the Most Wise and Al-Powerful god Who can give man wisdom.